Our Technologies
Advanced Tools and Therapies
The ChiroHamel Clinic uses a wide variety of state-of-the-art tools and therapies during assessment and treatment. These devices assist us in our assessments and quantification of visual, vestibular, motor, cognitive, limbic and autonomic systems.
We compile the results of our comprehensive examinations and diagnostic tools to provide you with individualized treatment options.
A comprehensive assessment process is conducted with all new patients. A complete neurological examination will determine the root cause of your problem and form the basis of your treatment. By not simply treating the symptoms but by targeting the cause, you will notice measurable improvements.
Balance Platform
Most people take their balance for granted, moving without thought, effort or fear. For thousands, lack of balance is an incapacitating problem, but for others it is identified as simple clumsiness. Falls are one of the leading causes of emergency room visits. Research shows that among people 65 and over, there are 28%-35% falls each year and this figure rises to 32%-42% for those 70 and over. Between 20% and 30% of these people will have injuries that reduce their mobility and independence. This is why it is important to detect and target these balance problems to prevent falls.
Balance platforms are excellent tools for measuring objective biomarkers of the central nervous system. Because our balance system is closely integrated with our visual and proprioceptive systems (through the central nervous system), assessing balance problems can help us detect more serious health problems. Research shows that measuring balance using the balance platform is of diagnostic value in the evaluation of conditions ranging from concussions to Parkinson's disease.
The scientific literature encourages the use of balance assessment as a tool for screening, assessing disease progression and measuring the progression of clinical treatment. Our device allows us to quickly measure the condition of each patient and compare it to the norm by gender and age group and to keep statistics on progression.
Interactive metronome
Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based training and assessment tool that measures and improves neurotiming or synchronization of neural impulses within key brain networks for cognitive, communicative, sensory and motor performance. When the individual activates a trigger in synchronization with a regular auditory beat, the Interactive Metronome provides real-time auditory and visual feedback for millisecond timing. Knowing whether it strikes before, after, or at exactly the same rate to the millisecond allows the individual to make immediate corrections to improve timing and rhythm during training.
Studies have repeatedly confirmed the importance of timing and rhythm for human performance. Improved neurotiming can enhance the brain's ability to sequence and process information coming from the senses more efficiently.
Why is synchronization important?
How does the Interactive Metronome work?
It's all about timing, a phrase we're all sure we've heard a million times. But what you probably don't think about when you hear this phrase is how fundamental timing is to everything we do as human beings, both spectacular and simple things. Precise timing is responsible for a stellar athletic performance, or a group of musicians producing a perfect melody.
Timing is responsible for a person being able to walk without falling or talk without stuttering. Timing is what allows us to concentrate, process language, keep our balance and have a balanced gait, play sports and even read. Timing is responsible for the synchronized communication of our brain's network that connects cognitive processes and physical movement. Therefore, the ability to have accurate neurotiming is one of the most critical factors in human performance.
Interactive Metronome is an effective and non-invasive device used in our clinic for patients of all ages.
A saccade is a rapid movement of the eyes from one target to another. The saccadometer measures the latency, speed and precision of these rapid eye movements. If a person is not able to initiate or generate fast enough eye movements, they may experience cognitive delay, blurred vision and slow reaction times. If the eyes are not precise when looking from one object to another, this person may have difficulties with visual and spatial referencing, appear clumsy or have poor balance, thus having difficulty reading or playing certain sports. Jerky eye movement originates from the frontal lobes of the brain and integrates with the central cores and cerebellum as a functional network when observing a visual scene. And since the left and right saccades are controlled by different brain hemispheres, measuring these movements gives us insight into functional asymmetries between the sides of the brain and/or deficits in the specific neuron generators that promote these movements.
Motion Guidance
At the ChiroHamel Clinic, we use the Motion Guidance system to optimize the patient experience by adding real-time feedback with external visual cues to enhance virtually every aspect of rehabilitation. Motion Guidance is a laser pointer-based rehabilitation tool that adds visual reference to motor control during exercises.
Photobiomodulation (LLLT)
Photobiomodulation (PBM therapy), previously known as low level laser therapy (LLLT), involves applying a specialized red light laser to wounds or lesions to improve wound and soft tissue healing, increase blood flow and thus oxygenation of tissue, reduce inflammation and relieve acute and chronic pain. First developed in 1967, it is now called PBM.
Photobiomodulation is used to: increase the speed, quality and resistance of tissue repair; decrease inflammation and relieve pain (analgesia).There is no heating effect.
The effects of PBM are photochemical (like photosynthesis in plants). When the correct intensity and treatment times are used, red light and near-infrared light reduce oxidative stress and increase ATP. This improves cell metabolism and reduces inflammation.
MBP is commonly used for the treatment of: acute and chronic joint pain, tendon tension, muscle tension, muscle injuries, tendonitis, arthritis, tennis elbow, back pain, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome.
Approximately 4,000 scientific studies have been conducted in recent years to validate the efficacy of MBP treatments. Here are some of the specific benefits associated with cold laser therapies. The therapy is really simple to use, very safe, non-toxic, non-invasive, with no side effects or discomfort. It is particularly effective in the treatment of pain (over 90% effectiveness), is a superior alternative to pain medication, reduces the need for surgery and often works in synergy with other modalities such as chiropractic, acupuncture and rehabilitation.
Another avenue for the use of MBP is in the treatment of Alzheimer's and concussions.
Several studies have proposed contributory processes showing the beneficial effects of MBP in the treatment of traumatic brain injury, such as stimulation of neurogenesis, decreased inflammation and neuroprotection. Animal and clinical trials on ischemic stroke are also described. A number of articles have shown the efficacy of transcranial LLLT to increase memory, learning and overall neurological performance in rodent models with traumatic brain injury.
Infrared video goggles
Infrared video cameras are installed in a virtual reality helmet, which allows us to observe and record eye movements or positions in the dark (without visual reference) such as nystagmus, convergence spasms, asymmetrical movements or others.
In order to assist in the clinical process or to make a diagnosis, we may need X-rays of the spine or other joints. Radiology service on site.