Chiropractic is a natural approach that fits perfectly into the solutions to your growing concerns about natural health and quality of life.
The word "chiropractic" comes from the Greek kheir meaning "hands" and praktikos meaning "to do or to exercise".
The chiropractor's field of expertise covers the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. In accordance with their training, chiropractors are able to make a chiropractic diagnosis that allows them to create a care program that corresponds to their physical condition, age and health objectives.
What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a health discipline that aims at chiropractic diagnosis, treatment and prevention of conditions of a neuro-musculo-skeletal nature, through vertebral and joint adjustments. Chiropractic adjustment, which is mainly performed manually, is used to eliminate interference from the nervous system and to restore optimal functioning of the human body's physiology, thus relying on its inherent ability to maintain health without medication or surgery (homeostasis). Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function as coordinated by the nervous system.
Chiropractic Basics
The nervous system is responsible for sending, receiving and processing nerve impulses (electrical current that travels through the nerves to the brain), which in turn dictates the body's movements, reactions and sensations. Its role is to control all the muscles of the human body, to manage sensory information and to regulate the functioning of the organs.
Chiropractic is therefore based on the notion that interference with the flow of nerve impulses, which feeds every cell, tissue and system in the human body, can cause health problems. Restoring the normal flow of nerve impulses through chiropractic care will allow the human body to utilize its inherent ability to initiate recovery, healing and recovery processes to its full potential.
The approach of chiropractic care is both preventive and curative. It aims not only to relieve, but also to prevent symptoms or pain related to the malfunctioning of the spine or other joints, muscles and nerves.
Chiropractic care can be adapted to all types of clients, from pediatrics to geriatrics. The chiropractor allows people to enjoy life to the fullest by treating ailments and optimizing the functioning of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system.
Asymmetry (e.g. low shoulder)
TMJ (temporomandibular joint)
Digestive conditions
Muscle imbalance
Decrease in range of motion
Shoulder pain
Neck and back pain
Arm pain
Wrist pain
Numbness / tingling (arms, hands and legs)
Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Epitrochleitis (golfer's elbow)
Dizziness (cervicogenic vertigo)
Herniated disc
Headaches and migraines
Poor respiratory capacity
Cervical myelopathy
Rotator cuff problems
Muscle strength problems (decreased grip strength)
Muscle spasms
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Anterior head carriage syndrome
Muscle tension
Postural disorders
How we can help you ?
Because we know that your health cannot be rushed, our initial assessment usually takes about an hour. The purpose of the first visit is to take a history, conduct a detailed examination and answer the most important questions about your health.
What is the cause of your problem?
Can we help you?
What type of treatment will be most appropriate for you?
How long will it take?
Based on the interview, examination results and specific diagnostic findings, we are able to create an innovative care program designed to meet your individual needs, based on your specific neurological functional problem or deficit.